Overall things went off without a hitch, except that the toilet is broken and one of the gates won't go down. Other than that, it was actually pretty great.
The boat opens at 7, but I was scheduled to work 8-4:30, and had to finish a computer project first. I got down to the boat around 11. Ed said it'd been a steady stream of 1 and 2 car loads all morning. When he got to work (a few minutes late), the director of Public Works was there to take the first ride. So he was all frazzled. Forgot to unlock the boat, forgot to unlock the lifejackets and other stuff. Cracked me up telling me about it.
When I got there, I watched him drive for a few minutes before taking over for most of the rest of the day. Without the influence of other trainees (who know about as much as I did about driving the BV), I quickly learned the easy way to land the boat, and it was a piece of cake. Casual, easy, pokey.
My cousin, his girlfriend and son came by today. We basically had a party on the boat. Ollie, who's 5, got to ring the bell and blow the horn a couple of times. Basically goofed off. There was a lull of no cars for about 20 minutes.
There's a lot of stuff, supplies, that we need to set up. Stuff like paper clips, pens, scratch pads, post its, more toilet paper. Ed brought a whole kitchen's worth of food down, since he's working 12 hour days all weekend. He brought a watermelon! Do you know how much I love watermelon? A lot. Watermelon, on a boat, in the middle of the river on a sunny day is pretty much perfect.
I'll post my hours on facebook this weekend with my schedule, so you can come visit. COME VISIT MEEEEEEEEE!
Yay, the BV is back!